Reference, which places the reference in a queue for deletion a fewįrames later. MarkForDelete allows a script to set the delete flag on a disabled
This will get rid of the object completely, once the cell it's in unloads. IF you kill an NPC and the body stays, save your game by pressing '' then typing 'gmsave' Exit your save, (Menu) and go to your saves, open the save, and it'll be gone.
select the body or other unwanted object,. Your lantern’s oil finally runs dry, and. You’re lost in the woods, having narrowly escaped after scaring off a pack of wolves with your travel lantern. Also, NPC dialog options disappear or do not work when this happens. With big thanks to the Librum team: EllieMental, PrivateDelta, EreEric98, Killbotvii, tmt, Destiny, Jayden, JulieChaos, Reina Bunny, Braven, IHateViolence, Reyqune, Mixtape Romeo, and Haz. The symptoms are: after a while, saves cant be loaded because Skyrim SE considers them corrupt. Skyrim save cleaner dead nps mod#
go into the in-game console (using the key above the Tab key, usually ~ on QWERTY keyboards) of 4 - fixing false save corruption bug and dialog errors - posted in Skyrim Special Edition Mod Troubleshooting : Ive started running into the false save corruption bug. get the unwanted object directly in view. System does its normal clean up, the object will be deleted, and its click on 'fix all REFR's', Follow the prompts '' AND 'mysave.ess' are in your skyrim saves folder. marks an object for actual deletion: when the The game will now make a dump file, so you will need to wait a few minutes while the dump is generating the '' AND 'mysave.ess'.
James' answer is correct for the OP's specific situation, but with the following command you can completely (not only visually) get rid of anything in-game: Use the MarkForDelete command